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The Western Sahara Campaign UK is a member of:

CrowdJustice - We Need YOU!

Be part of Western Sahara’s history...and future.
We've got some big news.

We are taking on a major challenge, something that is perhaps simultaneously our greatest opportunity. We've decided to take the British Government to court. Again. But we need your help to do so.

(If you didn't already know, in 2015, we brought successful judicial review proceedings against HMRC and DEFRA in respect of their implementation of a previous version of the EU-Morocco Association Agreement and the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement.)

This time we are issuing judicial review proceedings against the Department for International Trade and the Treasury in respect of the latest UK-Morocco Association Agreement. The trade agreement includes products and resources from Western Sahara, over which Morocco claims territorial sovereignty, despite the International Court of Justice having ruled that no ties of sovereignty exist. By extending the agreement to goods and resources from Western Sahara, the UK Government is argued to be in breach of its obligations under international law, thus allowing the British consumer to unknowingly purchase goods that are the plunder of occupation.

John Gurr, our Coordinator says:
"This agreement, designed to circumvent the ruling of the High Court of England and Wales, undermines the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people. It allows the theft of the natural resources of Western Sahara and further entrenches the Moroccan occupation, a situation that is unlawful under international law. Our challenge is a significant milestone on the road to independence from the illegal occupation of the territory by Morocco."

This may be the most significant opportunity we've had to challenge the illegal occupation of Western Sahara in our history.

Can you be part of that history? We need to raise £5,000 for the case at this stage.

As a small, volunteer-run campaign, taking the UK Government to court is not a decision we have taken lightly but after 40 years of exile we must do something extraordinary to help the Saharawi get their country back and you can help them by donating what you can.

Please donate via our CrowdJustice page. Every donation, however big or small, will help us continue this vital work to support the people of Western Sahara.



The Western Sahara Campaign works in solidarity with the Saharawi people to generate political support in order to advance their right to self-determination and to promote their human rights. Our role is to lobby the UK Government and the EU. You can help us to ensure the UK does not ignore the voice of the Saharawi people.



Follow the news about EU's illegal fisheries in Western Sahara

The EU pays Morocco to fish in occupied Western Sahara.